- Java相关教学网站:Baeldung
- Transformer模型hub:Hugging Face – The AI community building the future.
- Python 教程网站:Real Python Tutorials
- AllenNLP: allenai/allennlp: An open-source NLP research library
- Web文本抽取:A Python package & command-line tool to gather text on the Web
- 开源混合AI框架 DeepPavlov: DeepPavlov: an open source conversational AI framework
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- 代码框图片: Carbon | Create and share beautiful images of your source code
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- Observable: observablehq.com
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- 字体设计:Font Meme: Fonts & Typography Resource
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- MiKu: Mikutap (aidn.jp)
- Wallhaven: Awesome Wallpapers - wallhaven.cc
- WallpaperMaiden: High Quality Wallpapers, Desktop Backgrounds, Widescreen Wallpapers - WallpaperMaiden